Ducati Museum
Via Antonio Cavalieri Ducati 3
40132 Borgo Panigale
Telefon: +39 051 641 3343
Website: Ducati Museum
På det få år gamle museum kan man få historien om John Deere, lære mere om produktionen af de verdenskendte traktorer, og få et indblik i hvordan de bliver brugt i dag. Museet er også med til at hylde både ansatte og kunder og giver et indblik i virksomhedens værdigrundlag. Udover museets fire permanente udstillinger, vises der også skiftende særudstillinger. Udstillingerne er meget interaktive og man behøver ikke at være interesseret i hverken landbrug eller mekanik for at få en god oplevelse på museet.
History and future, challenges and successes, vision and determination: the new Ducati Museum is a legendary journey through the 90 plus years of the company famous for its style, performance and pursuit of perfection.
Ducati products from its start in 1926 up to the latest 1098 racing model.
The museum was completely renovated in 2016, for the 90th anniversary of Ducati’s founding. Participants at WDW2016 got a sneak peek in July, and the exhibits were officially inaugurated on 23 September.
The new narrative proposed by the Ducati Museum is divided along three different exhibition itineraries:
- The gallery of the Ducati production motorcycles that have marked the different periods: 15 road bikes that illustrate the socio-cultural evolution that has taken place from 1946 to the present, embellished by an exhibition concept that brings out shapes and design through artistic installations.
- The parade of the Ducati racing bikes that with their victories have built the sports legend of Borgo Panigale, displayed next to their trophies and the racing suits of the champions.
- The Ducati Moments time line – facts, people and technological innovations that represent the milestones of the company’s history.
These narratives underline the constant osmosis between road bikes and racing motorcycles. Competitive technologies have been poured into the road bikes, making the Ducati motorcycles truly unique. But at the same time, the production motorcycles were the basis for several racing models.
The thread that links product development and racing motorcycle is the foundation of Ducati’s credo: Style, Sophistication and Performance.
Voksen (12-64 år): €15
Voksne (65+): €10
Børn (0-11 år): Gratis
Grupper (over 10 personer): €13
Ducati-ejere (Ducati Card skal fremvises): €10
Mandag-lørdag: kl 9.00-17.00
Søndag: kl 12.00-16.00
Museet er lukket den 24.-25. december, 31. december, 1. januar, påske og Thanksgiving.
Summer schedule (from 1 April to 4 October)
From Monday to Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm
Closed: Wednesdays, except 4 October.
From 14 to 20 of August
Easter Sunday and Monday
1 May
Winter schedule (from 5 October to 31 March)
From Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm
Closed: Wednesdays and Sundays
Thursday, 5 October
25-26 December
1 January
Easter Sunday and Monday
Ved grupper på over 10 personer skal museet kontaktes for at arrangere et gruppebesøg.
Udstillingsareal: 1000 m2
Grundlagt: renoveret i 2016
Café/restaurant: Nej.
Museumsbutik: Ja. Museet har en museumsbutik, hvor der sælges diverse Ducati merchandise. Butikken sælger blandt andet kasketter, t-shirts, legetøj og diverse samleobjekter.
App: Nej.
Varighed: Beregn ca 1 time til besøget.
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